Category Archives: Traditional RO System

JS-701 ເຄື່ອງກອງນໍ້າ 5-Stage RO System


  • 1st Stage — 5 micron 10″ high-capacity polypropylene sediment filter, contained in a transparent housing — removes dust, particles, and rust. Certified to NSF/ANSI standard.
  • 2nd Stage — Granular Activated Carbon 5 micron 10″ — gets rid of unpleasant chlorine, tastes and odors, cloudiness and colors. Compliant with NSF/ANSI standards.
  • 3rd Stage — Carbon Block 5 micron 10″ — removes any residual chlorine, tastes & odors, plus compounding pre-filters’ efficiency and extending membrane’s life. Compliant with NSF/ANSI standards.
  • 4th Stage — High Rejection reverse osmosis membrane .0001 micron – heart of the RO system, produces drinking water at a rate of 50 gallons per day.
  • 5th Stage — Total Polishing Inline Carbon 10″ – removes any possible residual tastes and odors from the tank. Compliant with NSF/ANSI standards.
  • Tubing — Food Grade tubing. Compliant with NSF/ANSI standards.
  • Automatic shut-off valve and the check valve work together to shut off the system automatically when the storage tank is filled up.
  • Tank – Premium 3.2 gallon pressurized tank. Certified to NSF/ANSI standards.
  • Faucet – Lead-Free, long reach, goose neck faucet. Compliant with NSF/ANSI standards.
  • Installation Hardware – Wrench, tank ball valve, feed water valve, drain saddle, inserts